When you are initially designing a website, make your site as optimized as possible for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) concerns. Take note of the terms you want to rank for and use them in the appropriate title tags, URL chains, H1 tags, and H2 tags to help your website rank more highly on search result pages and to help your website generate non-branded organic traffic that leads to new sales.
The bulk of what a search engine can see in a website is its written content (as opposed to images etc.). If you want the search engines to like your site, and send you visitors, your site has to have a good deal of written content.
There are many important things to consider when you are looking to start a website. First thing you need to figure out is what is the exact point of your site? Is it going to be purely informational or are you going to be selling something. These things are very important to the ground work of how to begin.
Building a website is like building a house. The first thing you need to do is basically layout everything just like the makings of a blue print for a home. Next you need to take it to an expert to make sure your plans are correct and that nothing will collapse on you in mid stream. Remember that building a website with SEO in mind is not a simple process.